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Office: +1 (250) 768-1519

Municipal Pension Retirees' Association

MPRA Events


Join your district and meet your Executives.

They are elected by your district members - you.

You can become one too.

They are all hard working volunteers who have a passion to....

  • Keep you informed about your MPP pension and benefits.
  •  Talk about our Rewards programs and how to benefit

          from them.

  •  Find out about our campaigns/advocacy related items.
  • Have a say on the direction of our Association.

We need you to attend district meetings so you can vote on important decisions and meet a quorum to carry on official business.

     Click to find your District Meeting  Now!

Events Calendar


Call Us:

Office: +1 (250) 768-1519

Click image to visit the Join Us page

© Copyright 2020-2025 Municipal Pension Retirees' Association.  All rights reserved. EST. 2003

2525 Dobbin Road, Unit #4     
West Kelowna, BC  V4T 2G1

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